

When discovering other people, remember that my recommendations are from personal experience only - people who have inspired me, colleagues, friends. As we are all different people, having had different experiences, and are at different stages in life, always discern for what is appropriate for you regardless of what anyone says - trust yourself and follow your intuition. Take every opportunity to learn, to grow, to evolve into your greatest version of yourself with kindness.


Health and well-being:

Patti McBain - Patti McBain's great for yummy yoga or meditation. She also offers teacher training for meditation. She's also an Aryuvedic Technician!! (Heals the body through Aryuvedic medicine - traditional natural medicine originating from India... I don't know too much about it, only from what small parts I've studied through my yoga teacher training).

Heartforce - Jenny's a wonderful life coach and mentor.

Coretrue - Julie has a wealth of knowledge and insight to offer through her nursing experience and provides clinical supervision. She is also an accredited life coach and mentor.

Jewel Consultancy - Arlene has the training, experience and self-mastery tools to help you compassionately and wholeheartedly lead yourself. She is also an accredited life coach.

New Psychology - Dr Elinor van Ommen is the best psychologist I know. She is also practicing at Toodyay Wellness Centre .

Personal Spiritual Alchemy - Nathan's fun articles on life and things (fun is an understatement).

Loving Change - Jen's bowen is so good! I have been amazed at what I have been able to heal through attending bowen sessions combined with general healthy practices (exercising daily, healthy food, plenty of water), and life coaching. She also offers life coaching.

Dr Jenna (Jennifer) Cornell is the best medical doctor I know (She can be found at Toodyay Wellness Centre). She's also a Carnivore-friendly and Keto-friendly doctor.

The Harmony Centre - I love Jay's approach to situations. Head-on and with courage and fire in his soul. He also facilitates awesome Men Arising workshops every so often, to talk about secret men business. He is a qualified holistic counsellor, life coach, mentor and interpersonal facilitator with several years experience in youth education and family support.

Mel Teti - Mel offers Naturopathy, Life Coaching, Mentoring as well as Personal and Spiritual Development classes. Her perspective on healing and life is pretty amazing.

Aligned & Centred Acupuncture - Ethan and Shannon are delightful. They offer a comprehensive service of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Massage, Acupuncture, Community Acupuncture, guided meditation, Life Coaching, Mentoring and Self-care classes.

Acturian Light - Nerida is an amazing light, artist, healer and mentor.

Better Bowen - Reinette has a nurturing and gentle approach. She is a bowen therapist and a life coach.

Enlightened Naturopathy - Amy's holistic approach to Naturopathy is very comprehensive. She has so much wisdom to share.

Holistic Ways - Jane offers body work (reflexology and massage therapy), and has a holistic, firm but gentle approach to life coaching. Jane also practices at Toodyay Wellness Centre.

Conversations with Belle - Belle offers self-care support to Carers. Belle has experience as a Duty Worker, Youth Care Worker, Dual Diagnosis Carer and Carer Peer Support. She has worked at Windana Therapeutic Community, Tandana Place, The Salvation Army Eastcare Therapeutic Services and Eastern Health.

Laughter Yoga and Laughter Wellness - I love laughter yoga! It's so much fun! I also love the perspective that Lynette Mitchell brings :)

Conscious Evolution - This is a collective of practitioners of a diverse range including, Life Coaches, a Medical Doctor, Naturopaths, Counsellors, a Psychologist, a Psychotherapist... and more. They have an extensive work of videos, podcasts and blogs in which they sometimes share things that might have taken them years to learn and grow from, with the hope of sharing with you, that you may learn it sooner.


Eldery Wisdom:

Wisdom Heart - The Ageing R-Evolution Project - Lorraine Town facilitates this 4-week program which educates our Elders about their end-of-life choices on many levels. Also heart-based Meditation classes & Mentoring



The Love Finders Band - I love the standard of ethics these guys hold as musicians. They play an extensive variety of music and provide a family friendly environment.

Rupert Guenther - Amazing violinist, music teacher and mentor.

The Little School of Art and Alchemy - :) That title just says it at. Cat runs this school.




EvolveAtWork - Lisa brings wonder, exploration and joy to bringing out the best in staff. She is also a trainer.


Kids programs:

Little Gumnuts - Lee-Anne's nature-based play with the little ones also works with building healthy self-esteem. There are also holiday programs.

Courageous Hearts - Peta and Lee-Anne's after school classes for kids, creating self-awareness and mindfulness.

Dance Creations - Terrie teaches ballet to children aged 2.5-11 as well as youth aged 12-19



The Source Hairdressing - Sophia's beautiful salon and creative hair styles uses hair products that are up to 98% natural.



Global Coaching Academy - Belinda's got a wonderful course - a Diploma of Mentoring, Coaching and Interpersonal Facilitation. I highly recommend it.



Perth Self Exploration Meetup - I run self-development classes during the weekend in Como, Western Australia.

Asifa hosts Spirituality & Self-Development classes in Perth, Western Australia.

Arlene runs Self Mastery Workshops, which will reflect what you need to transform and uplift your life.

Lee-Anne has online classes on Self-Awareness and Mindfulness in Petersborough, Ontario, Canada.

Claire facilitates Self-Mastery & Self-Love classes in London, 17, United Kingdom.


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